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1. Water
Water is one of the most important preps
Take a day to assess your water situation
If you are just starting out, begin with getting a 3 day supply for you and your family
If you are a more experienced prepper, add a little to your supply
Also get rid of the expired stuff and rotate in new stuff - BOB as well
It may be a good time to pull the trigger on a water filter as well
2. Food
Always seems there is too much to do here and too little time
72hr-2 weeks, 3 months etc. necessarily
Make an inventory, go through your food, mark the dates
Make a list on what you need or want more of
Condiments, spices, perishables
3. Replenishing food etc. gardening, hunting
Taking a day to garden doesn’t make a lot of sense, but buying a pack of heirloom seeds does
If you are a hunter, add to your preps in this area
Maybe its ammo, maybe its field dressing gear
4. EDC
Review your EDC items, check batteries, blades etc.
Review new items see what better stuff there is you can carry
5. Bug Out Bags
Do you already have a BOB? Take this day to assess your gear
Update the clothing to the current season
Update with any new or better gear you’ve acquired
If you don’t have one, now is a good time to look at bags
If you have a bag that will work, set it aside
If you don’t, start looking online for bags in your price range
Then print off a bug out bag gear list
If you have a bug out bag, and have tons more supplies, look into additional bags
INCH bags contain a lot but sometimes are easier in a way to build
Lots of gear that is very much like camping gear
Good time to consider a plan if you actually cannot return home, do you carry more just in case, depends on your area and threats
Look at a Get Home Bag
Are either of these bags necessary for you
Update each if you already have them
7. Transportation
Your vehicles are key to prepping
Now is a good time to assess your vehicles and their maintenance
Do they need oil changes? Do they need tune ups?
How are the tires looking?
Do you have a repair manual?
8. Cache
Part of your overall planning
If only spent learning about making a cache
Consider cache deposit even within your house or property just in case
Start a cache at work, around town, or your bug out route
9. Vehicle bag - kit
Take some time today to assess your current kit, or get one started
Gotta have basics - Jumper cables or battery, Flares/Glowsticks, Flashlight/Headlamp, Tire/Jack, FAK, Water, Food, Toolkit, escape tool, Maps, blankets, clothing, raingear
If you don’t have one, print a list and at least get started with it
10. Comms
Cell phone is most likely your go to, make sure you have backup charging ability
Learn how to use your 2-way radio as there is a lot to them, security
What alternative comms do you have outside cell phone, radio etc.
Survival radio, like the one in the latest battlbox to keep tabs on situation, weather etc.
Maybe see if you are ready to take on HAM
Discuss this heavily with your family
May include just notes or posts to look for signs or signals to communicate silently to each other
Review a plan with your family is the key here
Code words, cyphers
11. Power - Energy - Batteries - Fuel
Get some batteries - AA & AAA are super important
Also, a backup USB powerbank is so useful, grab one of those
Also a great time to assess your fuel situation
If you have fuel stored, check and rotate the older stuff
Look at getting some Stabil in there to help the shelf life
If you have no fuel stored, its a great time to buy a can and fill it up
Also look at your BBQ propane, fill up those bottles and grab an extra if you can
12. Clothing
Off the grid surplus. Done. Use the rest of your day to chill
But consider footwear, this can be a lifesaver and worth your time researching
Quality pants that are useful yet not tacticool
Ready to go gear for the seasons
Sometimes we store gear clothes that we no longer wear and it's trash
13. Lighting - Blackout Kit
If you have no flashlights, candles or lanterns, now is a good time to get some
If you already have those, work on checking what you have, and maybe going for a full on blackout kit
You can find lots of blackout kit lists online
If you have all of that, consider a solar lighting kit like the Biolite Solarhome 620
Its a good time to distribute some flashlights around the house as well
14. Home - security, home safety (gas, electrical, earthquake proofing) detectors
Know your home shut off valves and how to access and shut them off quickly
How will you defend your home or make it safer?
Basic fire protection, detectors, smoke
Cameras and surveillance
15. Weapons
Do you have any sort of self defense weapons for emergencies or long-term SHTF?
If you do, get them out, practice, do some maintenance
If not, now is a good time to look into what you can have legally, what you think you can handle, and what you ultimately want to get
This can be firearms, knives or even smaller self defense weapons
I’m also going to add self defense to this item
Do you know the basics of hand to hand self defense?
Sign up for a class, find out what martial arts might interest you
Look up some videos online, do something to understand it
16. Medical - kits and training, meds
DIY kit, go through whatever you have and replace the trash
Make sure the band aids are restocked
OTC meds you are low on or need or could need
Make sure you have a plan if you have meds you CANNOT do without
Simply schedule a physical
17. Comforts - entertainment
Don’t forget those comfort and entertainment items
Candy, coffee, booze, ciggies - add your fav to your stockpile
Also don’t forget books, games and entertainment that doesn't need power
Grab something and put it away for that rainy day event
18. Personal ID and documents
Where are all your important files?
Have you gotten new cards and numbers - make sure you take time to update those on your app/ or copied paperwork
Backup all this info on portable USB and or hard drive, take pictures store it all in a safe place, fireproof box or sleeve for easy quick access (insurance, credit cards, bank info, health etc.)
Consider getting it all off the cloud
19. Emergency Plan
This maybe should be earlier, but its time to work on an emergency plan
Get with your fam and fill it out
It will take about 20 min and will be well worth your time
20. Weather protection
Review the threats to your area and issues you may face
Do you have window protection for hurricane or flood protection like sand bags etc.?
What if the power goes out, again do you know where to find everything quickly
Sand bags, storm blankets, tape, plastic wrap
Indoor heaters, blankets, fan rooms
What gear do you have to keep you dry if you bug out?
What about extremes in weather, high heat super cold, how can you utilize what you have to make you more comfortable?
21. Local threat assessment
If you haven’t done this, or its been a while, get it done
This will be some of the things you talked about in your emergency plan
What SHOULD you really be prepping for?
Natural Disasters, meds, vehicle, financials, self defense, fitness?
22. Cybersecurity
Have you considered your threat online?
What are the steps to protect yourself - look into Surfshark, change your passwords
What plan do you have if you are a victim of identity theft?
23. Fitness - health
Oh boy, good luck
If you are out of shape, obese, unhealthy or just plain lazy, take today and assess where you are
There is so much info online, but make yourself a plan to get where you would like to be
It will be a combination of diet, exercise, stress relief, sleep and supplements most likely
Start slow and do what you can sustain
If you are already moderately healthy, what is something you can add to your routine to take it up a notch?
Have you had a physical in a while? Get it scheduled.
24. Finance - currency
Do you have an emergency fund?
Make plans to get and create an emergency fund - start slow consider simple $500
What cash do you have right now if all electronics fail?
1 day to review your finances, plan, debt assessment, and or meet with financial advisor is huge and can be done in a day
Do a credit report if you haven't already
25. Gear - Tools
Now we talking
Take today and assess your gear situation
What critical pieces are you missing?
How are all of your kits looking?
Make a list, check it twice, make a plan, save for what you can’t afford
Make a list on Amazon if you must
26. Pets
Cute fun little bastards, but what happens when you are rationing food for yourself?
Do you have a plan for your pet?
Easily overlooked in prepping
Take today and work on your pet plans
27. EMP
EMP’s are a staple in prepper culture
You need to first understand what it is and how to prepare for them
Take today to read up, listen or watch and learn about the threat
If you already know, and don’t yet have a faraday bag or cage, pull the trigger
Then figure out what gear is most important to have protected and get it done
28. Sanitation
Easy chance to ruin your health and make everyone miserable
Consider for a day the sanitation supplies you have
Deodorant, soaps, feminine hygiene, toothpaste, brushes, TP
Cleanliness keeps you health and sane, don't overlook it. Take a day to go over this in detail
What if someone is sick and puking all over, do you have ways to keep everyone else healthy and clean the bodily fluids?
Consider quarantine tents isolation etc.
29. Apps?
Apps can be super useful for anyone and especially for preppers
Many get upset and say “Your phone won’t work if its an EMP”
I get it, but with EVERY OTHER SITUATION it will
Get some apps for preppers
#1, go to your local emergency management office and get their app for super localized alerts
Then grab the RED CROSS emergency app or the FEMA app
Weather apps are great too
Also, better have some podcast apps
If you already have this stuff, make sure the settings are up to date and determine if there are any other apps you’d like to consider - inventory, survival...
30. Navigations
Maps, locally and or of upcoming trips
Can you navigate by a compass and topographical map, learn a little about them
Get a bandana with star chart