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The Disaster Diaries - Book Review.

I'm always looking for a new book in the prepper/survival genre. Luckily, a listener recently recommended The Disaster Diaries: One Mans Quest to Learn Everything Necessary to Survive the Apocalypse. This book was written by Sam Sheridan. Sam Sheridan is a Harvard graduate. Hes been a boxer, mixed martial arts fighter, sailor, cowboy, South Pole construction worker, and Merchant Marine. He lives in Los Angeles.

His book is basically a non-fiction handbook on how to survive the possible coming apocalypse. If you think that sounds fantastic, you would be right. He starts out with the fundamentals, get fit, learn to handle stress, get your bug out bag. He then goes on to tell us the stories of how he trained for each aspect of surviving hoards of zombies, or alien invaders, or an economic collapse. Each chapter is his experience learning from the experts; hand to hand combat, firearms, wilderness medicine and survival, cold weather survival, stunt driving, stealing cars and so on. Anyone who is like me and loves to read about the coming apocalypse and who also loves to prepare and learn for such events, is really going to enjoy the book.

The fun part about this book is that he also weaves into each chapter a fiction story about how he sees himself using these skills to survive if SHTF. Stories about zombies, aliens and wilderness survival.

This book is super entertaining and you may even learn a thing or two about survival. I highly recommend taking a look at this book. If you hate to read, you can get it at Audible on audio book as well. Click here for a free trial and a free audio book. Well, that's a good deal.

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