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Eat a sandwich, fix a blister

This week's quick and dirty medical tip details how to easily fix a pesky heel blister or prevent one if you are without a med kit. First and foremost, you shouldn't be without a med kit if you listened to our latest podcast dummy. Okay, there are times you may be without supplies, and this quick tip can help deal with a sore spot or blister that may develop. The steps are quite simple, granted you have some form of a plastic bag, trash bag, or plastic sack, and don't live in a state like Oregon where plastic is sinful and blasphemous to the state.

1. Cut a small square from a plastic bag or similar

2. Apply inside the square a small amount of lubricant (chapstick, oil, or even a little water)

3. Surround the blister with the square, then tape it to your skin, lubricated side against the skin.

4. Replace sock, and hike/walk/run/survive happily

This quick video short will explain everything in much better detail. Enjoy, and don't forget to check back weekly for more medical tips, and surely you've already subscribed to our podcast right?

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