20 Things Preppers Do That Piss Us Off!

The Top 20 Things That Piss Us Off About Preppers
In our latest episode of The Casual Preppers Podcast, we decided to get a little candid and discuss some of the things that really piss us off about the prepping community. We're doing this with a bit of humor because, honestly, most of these don't truly make us angry; we just think they're dumb or not beneficial for individuals or the prepping community as a whole. So, without further ado, here are the top 20 things that piss us off about preppers.
1. Looking Down on New Preppers
It really pisses us off when preppers look down on those who are new to prepping or don't take it as seriously as they do. This is my number one pet peeve, especially online. When a new prepper asks a question or shows what they've been working on, and a holier-than-thou prepper craps all over them, it's unnecessary and counterproductive. We started Casual Preppers to create a welcoming space for anyone, regardless of their prepping background or skill level. There are countless ways to get prepared, and no single way is the right way. Constructive feedback is great, but let's be welcoming, not elitist.
2. Conspiracy Overload
Some preppers get too caught up in conspiracy theories, losing focus on practical preparedness. While conspiracies can be entertaining and even helpful for preparedness, taking it to an extreme harms the prepper name. The stigma of tinfoil hats and extreme conspiracy theories makes people think preppers are crazy. Believe what you like, but maybe keep the extreme stuff to yourself.

3. Not Having Fun with Prepping
This doesn't really piss me off; it just makes me sad. Prepping is important, but it doesn't mean you can't have fun with it. You learn better and sustain things longer when you enjoy what you're doing. We often get accused of not being serious enough, but if you can't enjoy life, what's the point? It's okay to have fun with prepping.
4. Unwilling to Share Knowledge
Some preppers are hesitant to share their knowledge and expertise. While OPSEC is important, some take it to a ridiculous level. You can share valuable information without revealing too much. The more people around you who are prepared, the better off everyone is. Building prepper communities makes everyone stronger and happier.
5. Disregarding Government Information or Help
We get it, the government isn't the most trustworthy entity, especially for preppers. However, not everything they do is malicious. There are programs and groups like FEMA and local emergency management offices that provide valuable information and assistance. Be wary, but use what is useful.
6. Over-Focusing on Bugging Out
Bugging out is often glamorized, but in reality, most people will fare worse if they have to bug out without a solid plan. Bugging in is usually a better option. Focus on the most likely scenarios and prepare to bug in. Bugging out should be a last resort.
7. Hyper-Focus on Long-Term SHTF Scenarios
Many preppers hyperfixate on long-term SHTF scenarios, overlooking everyday preparedness. What's more likely: a world-ending EMP or your power going out for a few days? Focus the majority of your time and effort on practical, everyday preparedness. Don't let the fantastical small-percentage scenarios blind you to more probable risks.
8. Disparaging Urban Preppers
Urban preppers often face unnecessary criticism. While living in a city presents unique challenges, many urban preppers have intricate and effective preparedness plans. There's a lot to learn from their strategies, as they often have more threats to consider and less space to work with.

9. Being Overly Suspicious of Others
It pisses me off when preppers become paranoid, thinking they can't talk to anyone about prepping. While OPSEC is important, being overly suspicious just makes life less enjoyable. It's okay to be cautious, but don't pretend like you have secret knowledge that everyone is after. Be smart, and you'll be fine.
10. Ignoring Physical Fitness
Physical fitness is crucial for survival in any scenario. Many preppers focus on gear and weapons but neglect their physical health. If you're not fit, your preps won't mean much. Fitness should be a top priority, but it's often overlooked because it's hard to maintain.
11. Neglecting Emergency Plans
Some preppers have tons of gear and skills but haven't taken the time to draw up a family emergency plan. This should be one of the first steps in prepping. A simple discussion and annual review with your family can make a huge difference during a crisis.
12. Focusing Solely on Tactical Gear and Weapons
While gear and weapons are important, they shouldn't be the main focus. Fitness, mental health, water, food, and skills are more critical. Start with a plan, then get the essentials, and finally, move on to tactical gear.

13. Obsessing Over Specific Scenarios
Focusing on a single scenario, like an EMP or civil war, is not the best approach. Preparedness is about mitigating the most likely risks. Have a broad plan that covers various situations to be truly prepared.
14. Not Practicing Bug-Out Plans
Many preppers have bug-out plans but fail to practice them. It's crucial to review and practice these plans regularly with your family so everyone knows what to do in a crisis.
15. Making Preparedness Political
Politics can play a part in preparedness, but making it the focus of your messaging alienates half of your potential audience. We've found that our message is better received when we avoid making preparedness about politics.

16. Underestimating Mental Preparedness
Mental resilience and emotional preparation are often overlooked. If you struggle with mental health issues, they will only get worse in a crisis. Exercise, diet, and mental health practices are essential for survival.
17. Neglecting Personal Safety and Self-Defense
Self-defense is more than just firearms. Incorporate various methods of self-defense, like martial arts or situational awareness, into your preparedness plan.
18. Fear-Mongering Instead of Providing Practical Advice
Fear-mongering might get clicks, but it exhausts people quickly. Practical advice helps people prepare better and stay motivated.
19. Letting Prepping Take Over Their Lives
Obsessing over prepping can negatively impact your quality of life. It's important to balance preparedness with other aspects of life and not let it consume you entirely.
20. Refusing to Consider Modern Technology's Role in Preparedness
Modern technology can play a crucial role in preparedness. While it's important to plan for scenarios where tech might fail, there's no reason to ignore the conveniences it offers. Use technology to enhance your preparedness efforts.
We hope this list resonates with you and helps you approach preparedness in a balanced and practical way. Remember, the goal is to be prepared and enjoy the process.
Thanks for reading, and as always, stay prepared and STAY SURVIVED!