5 Subscription Boxes for (Casual)Preppers.

If you listen to our podcast here at Casual Preppers, you know that Cam and I are gear junkies. We love playing with all the latest gadgets, knives, gear and firestarters. One way to build up your prepper gear arsenal is to use subscription boxes. Ya, I've heard all the cons - "You can get better gear if you do your own research!" or "Any real prepper wouldn't use a gimmick like subscription boxes!" Well, eff you. I love getting that box in the mail every month with surprise, brand spanking new gear. It's like my own personal prepper Christmas. And the value is there, you do save money on the gear you get. We have compiled a list of 5 boxes every prepper should at least take a look at in no particular order. Here it goes.

Again, if you listen to the podcast, you know we are fans of Tac Pack. For $49.95 per month(10% off if you use our code "CASUALPREPPERS") they ship awesome tactical & EDC gear directly to your door. You get 3 to 7 products to tickle your tactical fancies. They guarantee a value of at least $70.00, and its usually more. We've gotten tons of AR accessories, knives, hats and patches. Go give them a look here.
We here at Casual Preppers have been with Battlbox for a long time. Battlbox sends out a "Mission" each month. Each mission has a theme. The theme for November was "Camp Comfort & Convenience" See our video for said box. Battlbox sends out tactical, survival and prepper gear every month. They have 4 levels of subscription - Basic($24.99), Advanced($49.99), Pro($99.99) and Pro-Plus($149.99). Watch all of our Battlbox videos here.

Apocabox is ran by Creek Stewart, a well known survivalist. They send our survival gear, tools and info every single month for $50.00 plus shipping. Apocabox tends to lean a little more on bushcraft and survival tools - saws, cordage, knives. Go take a looksy here.

Prepper Gear Box send you handpicked survival & preparedness gear every single month. They include laminated skills cards in every box. You can throw those on or in your bug out bag for reference when SHTF. These run $25.00 per month. Take a peek here.

Our friends over at Never Enough Tactical will send you a box monthly filled with EDC, survival and tactical gear if you send them $51.45 for the Basic Drop or $103.95 for the Advanced. We did a review on one of their boxes, and you can check it out here. I was super impressed with the quality of gear, and these guys are just really cool. Go say hi here.