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45 Overlooked Prepping Items

We here at Casual Preppers compiled a list of 45 items we felt are typically overlooked when building your survival storage. We reviewed multiple items and developed a list of those we felt had multiple purposes, some commonly known and others less

commonly known. Our latest podcast detailed these items and we recommend having a listen. I have attached the list for easy review.

1. Socks

2. Maps

3. Deodorant

4. Physical Books

5. Garbage Bags/Ziploc Bags

6. Lemon Juice

7. Hand Sanitizer

8. Pennies (dated before 1982 for copper) and Dimes and Quarters (dated before 1964 for silver)

9. Safety Pins

10. Tarps

11. Aluminum Foil (fish, grow plants, keep pests away, cook, fry, reflector)

12. Vinegar

13. T.P.

14. Honey

15. Baking Soda

16. Corn Starch

17. Axe/Hatchet

18. Bug repellent

19. Bullion Cubes

20. Condoms

21. Spices

22. Floss (trip wire, fishing, clothesline, restraint, shoe lace, medn clothing, tie up folk)

23. Chap stick (Lubricant for blisters, help stop bleeding, chapped lips, dry skin, reduce glare, lubricate stuck zippers etc)

24. Cards/Games

25. Candy, Gum

26. Mask N95 Type

27. Goggles

28. Tools (wrench, saw, hammer, etc)

29. Sewing Kit (Buttons, Zippers, etc)

30. Sketch Book/Pencils

31. Duct Tape

32. Camoflauge tape, net etc

33. Bleach

34. Gun Cleaning Kit

35. Random bolts, nuts, screws

36. Locks

37. Chains

38. Sunscreen

39. Bird Seed

40. Wire

41. Countermeasures (flare, chemlight)

42. Batteries

43. Razor Blades

44. Waterproof tent sealer

45. Nail Clippers

If you feel there are some excellent items we may have forgotten, please send us a line and we can add to the list. Join us weekly for more tips and discussion on all your casual prepping needs.

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